How to quickly clean ballpoint pen marks from wallpaper?

Any spots on the surface of the wallpaper negatively affect the overall perception of the decor, especially if it is ink stains left by an unsteady child’s hand. So that you do not have to constantly puzzle over how to wipe the original children's drawings, experts recommend allocating a small section of wallpaper to the child, pasting it with baguettes. If necessary, the area can be regularly updated with paper patches, without performing general repairs.

ball pen

If this was not done on time or the baby violated the boundaries of the allotted space, do not rush to update the walls. First you need to try effective folk methods of saving wallpaper that can remove unwanted pollution without a trace, without leading to damage to products.

How quickly and without traces to remove traces of ink from a vinyl surface?

sponge cleaning

If desired, not only a ballpoint or gel pen, but also strokes of felt-tip pens can be washed from vinyl wallpaper. Depending on the size and age of the contamination, as well as the availability of suitable components, you can try one of these options:

  • Manganese crystals are diluted in 7% vinegar solution. You should get a rich purple color. We moisten the cotton in the liquid and treat the contaminated area. After such a cleaning, only stains will remain, which must be washed with hydrogen peroxide before they are dry.

wallpaper cleaning

Tip: If the pen marks are thin and few in number, then the effect should be local and accurate. To do this, brushes for drawing the appropriate diameter will best serve.

  • In 100 ml of cool water, we dilute 10 g of oxalic and citric acid, stir well until the crystals are completely dissolved. The product is applied to the sponge and with wetting movements we process the stain on the surface of the wallpaper until it completely disappears.
  • A particularly resistant handle must be treated with hydrochloric acid. To do this, mix a teaspoon of small table salt with a tablespoon of hydrochloric acid and dilute the resulting composition in a glass of water. We apply the product to contamination, wait until the stain is completely dissolved, erase the rest of the product with a damp rag.
  • In some cases, the solution from the dishwashing detergent helps. We dilute two teaspoons of the product in half a glass of water, stir, but do not foam and use it to wipe off the dirt from the wallpaper.

wallpaper cleaning

  • Boil a hard-boiled chicken egg, cut it into two halves and apply to the problem area. We wait until the product absorbs the handle, after which we treat the area with a damp cloth.
  • A melamine sponge does a good job of tracing ink on vinyl, but it should be brand new. True, with its help you can wipe only fresh marks on the surface of the wallpaper.
  • Traces of the gel pen can be washed with lemon juice. We moisten the gauze napkin as a part and process the traces, moving in one direction. Material needs to be constantly changed and refreshed.
  • From white or very light plain walls, ink without traces is displayed in white. A tablespoon of the product is diluted in half a glass of warm water. Wet the sponge in the composition, apply it on the wall with soaking movements and wait until the problematic stains disappear. There is no need to wash off the product!
  • Minor impurities can easily be removed with acetone free nail polish remover. This approach will save not only ink or gel, but also a marker or marker, provided that the stains are fresh.

If one approach doesn’t help, you don’t need to immediately switch to another. First you need to wait for the wallpaper to completely dry, otherwise you will be able to wipe not only the pen, but also the paper base itself.

beautiful wallpaper

Custom universal wallpaper ink removal options

If the wallpaper for painting you just need to update with a fresh layer of dye, then in the case of paper and laminated products, everything is a little more complicated. To fully pull out the pen, experienced parents and experts suggest trying one of the following methods:

  • We take the iron, heat it to a very warm, almost hot state. The steam function must be deactivated. We apply a sheet of white paper to the contaminated surface of the wallpaper and iron it. Ink should go to the substrate, the main thing is not to overexpose the iron, it is better to act gradually.
  • A greasy ballpoint pen that does not leave deep grooves in the material can sometimes be wiped with an eraser. If you act too actively, a bright spot may appear at the site of contamination.
  • White wallpaper will help wash your toothpaste without additives and dyes. We apply the composition to the brush, wipe the stain, and remove product residues with a cloth.
  • Starch is mixed with cool water in equal proportions and stirred until smooth. Apply gruel on the handle, leave it to dry. Wipe the resulting crust from the wallpaper with a dry rag.
  • A small ink stain on a light surface will help wash your shaving foam. Shake the can, spray the foam onto the palm of your hand, apply the product to the dirt with a brush or a cotton pad and leave to dry. We remove the remaining masses with traces of ink with a soft cloth.
  • For the soft removal of fresh spots, bread pulp is useful. Knead it in your hands, press it to the spot and act until the product absorbs all traces of the handle.

Only if the above methods did not give the expected result, it is worth thinking about redecorating a specific area or re-gluing all the wallpaper in the room.

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