How and how can I remove nail polish from a natural or synthetic fabric?

Fashionistas who like to paint their nails in a hurry often face the question of how to remove nail polish from clothes. A bright, persistent stain from substances that are not the most useful for the tissue dries very quickly and risks becoming a permanent phenomenon. You need to act quickly. If you do not remove the formation before it dries completely, there is a risk of waiting for the penetration of coloring pigments into the fibers of the material. It will be practically impossible to clear such residual effects.

red nail polish

Regardless of the type of subsequent processing, the preparatory phase should consist of the following manipulations:

  1. Blot the trail with a cotton pad or dry cloth, trying to collect the liquid to the maximum.
  2. We take a toothpick and with its help we try to pull out the remains of the product, which managed to gain a foothold between the fibers.
  3. We spread the spoiled thing on a solid horizontal surface, placing a rag of soft white cotton fabric under the spot on which the stain is located.

Before you try to wipe the traces of varnish from the material, it is recommended to check the product in an inconspicuous area of ​​the product.

Methods of Impacting Natural Fiber Matter


To remove nail polish from clothes made of cotton, linen or other natural fabric, a lot of effort will not be required. You just need to use one of the following methods:

  • Acetone treatment. The easiest and safest exposure option. We drop acetone solution on the remaining varnish, take a cotton pad and try to clean the surface with gentle movements. If the stain is gone, but there are obvious stains, they need to be wiped with gasoline and finally sprinkle with talcum powder.
  • Reading with gasoline. We pour a little gasoline on the problem area and leave it for a quarter of an hour. Then we take a flap of matter and try to erase the formation with intense movements. To wash the stains, apply some more liquid, again we wait and three.

Tip: If you are processing a garment made of white or light fabric, it is recommended to add a little crushed chalk to the main component and leave the mixture to dry completely.

  • Hydrogen peroxide. The optimal and safe option for handling white things. We moisten a rag cloth and gently rub the contaminated surface in 3% hydrogen peroxide. We regularly change the working tool as it becomes dirty.
  • Bleach. Another effective tool in the fight against stains from varnish on a white surface. The selected product by type of tissue is applied to the affected area and leave for at least half an hour.
  • White Spirit. Also gives a good result in a short time. The composition is abundantly applied to a rag flap, which is applied to the stain for 15 minutes.

White Spirit

To completely remove nail polish from matter, it is necessary to drive the product in the washing machine for one standard cycle. If it was not possible to wash a persistent stain from the first approach, or stains appeared in its place, it is worth trying the same tool again or applying a suitable stain remover.

How to quickly remove synthetics and delicate fabrics?

Removing traces of varnish from synthetic or delicate matter is not so simple. All of the above methods are not suitable for this purpose, they will not remove pollution to the end, but at the same time they will most likely spoil the garment.

stain of varnish on the fabric

It is better not to take risks and use one of the following means:

  • Acetone-free nail polish remover. We apply the composition to the stain, wait a few seconds and begin to rub the formation in one direction. If necessary, we replace cotton pads, we work until the problem is completely eliminated.
  • Homemade stain remover.Take a teaspoon of ammonia, turpentine and olive oil. We mix the components and apply liberally to the problem area. Leave for no more than five minutes, collect the mixture with a paper or rag. We erase the thing as usual. If the traces still remain, we take another approach, but only after the product has completely dried.

It is strictly forbidden to work on varnish stains with acetic or citric acid. The result will be unpredictable, aggressive components can increase the durability of the spot and add brightness to the color.

stain from varnish on clothes

With woolen things with a dense long pile, varnish stains can be cut off. In this case, it is better to wait until the composition dries. The main thing is to turn the product spot down so that the varnish does not leak into the fibers.

If the above methods do not give the desired result, it is worth repeating the approach, slightly increasing the exposure time of the active components. In the absence of positive changes and after that, you will have to turn to professionals who will remove the formation with the help of more effective chemicals. In the event of damage to a product made of very delicate fabrics (for example, silk), it is better not to risk it and immediately contact a dry cleaner.

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