Is it possible for Pemolux to wash dishes: can it harm dishes and health

Immediately, answering the main question: Pemolux powder is not recommended to wash dishes. Especially when it comes to non-stick pans, plastic dishes or dishes made from fragile and easily damaged materials. He will definitely ruin this one.

Pemolux Powder

An exception
A special Pemolux gel is produced, created exclusively for dishes. Of course, they can wash plates and pans. The product does not contain harsh abrasive and is not as caustic compared to powder. Although the reviews about this tool are very cool, and this should be considered when choosing.

Rubber Glove Cleaning

Why you can not use "Pemolux"

It would seem that powders under this brand are positioned as relatively harmless and natural. The manufacturer assures that chemistry and surfactants are there to a minimum. And, it seems, the tool has proved itself to be excellent for many years of presence on sale. Alas, according to the law of the genre, there are several significant “buts” here, especially for those who care about the health of their family and the safety of dishes.

Washing dishes

The following components are of greatest concern:

  1. Ground marble. Probably, it is not worth explaining that such a tool is capable of purely mechanically damaging a huge number of surfaces, even if it is diluted with water. And it is likely that marble particles will somehow get stuck in the microcracks of the dishes and get into food. Although there is no official evidence that this can somehow harm health, there is no useful information in this either.
  2. Soda. Although it is harmless to the body and hands, it is also an abrasive substance. In combination with marble chips, sodium bicarbonate can cause irreparable harm to dishes. And the arguments for natural cleaners “which grandmothers used before all this chemistry” are inappropriate here, since even the older generation knew that far from everything can be cleaned with soda, and the choice of dishes was not at all as wide as it is now. And ruining it was many times more difficult.
  3. Sodium sulfate or sodium salt of sulfuric acid (E514). The substance has fairly high cleaning properties, is not prohibited in Russia, it is considered moderately hazardous. Frequent contact with E514 can have a laxative effect and cause intestinal problems. What can we say about its use inside! Strongly sodium sulfate, of course, is not capable of harming, but digestion incidents will certainly suit you.
  4. ABOUTtebelitel. His presence in the Pemolux is more likely an exception, because he is included only in a special whitening series of products. But for dishes this is unacceptable in any form.

Sink wash

If you still have to wash with Pemolux

If for some reason it’s still necessary to clean the kitchen utensils with Pemolux powder, it’s worth remembering and clearly observing the rules that will help not to harm yourself and the dishes:

  1. The most important rule - after using Pemolux, wash the dishes thoroughly with soap and other means. And a few times after that, thoroughly rinse with water.
  2. In no case should Pemolux wash wooden dishes, porous plastic and glossy.
  3. It is necessary to reduce the contact of the skin with a cleaning powder. Any rubber gloves are suitable for this.
  4. If it is necessary to clean old fat, burnt dried food and other difficult to clean dirt from a delicate surface, the dishes should be soaked in warm or moderately hot water, adding Pemolux. Keep no more than 10 minutes, after which pour water and rinse the surface. In no case should you rub it with powder. And only after that you can start washing with other means.
  5. Simple roasters, pans and pans without special coatings with Pemolux powder can be cleaned if it is necessary to wash something specific or polish them after long use.

Cleaning the pan

The opinion of the resource regarding washing dishes with products not intended for these purposes is quite unambiguous: it is not recommended and is permissible only in extreme isolated cases, subject to all the rules described above.

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