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Lace, speckles, patterns - paint eggs with onion husks

A wonderful holiday is approaching - the Bright Resurrection of Christ. According to tradition, a painted egg remains its main symbol. Despite the emergence of a whole arsenal of alternative and modern egg painting recipes, which are already used by housewives, many people prefer the traditional version and paint the eggs with onion husks.

Onion husk eggs

Advantages of onion painting:

  • Firstly, it is an absolutely harmless method.
  • Secondly, it allows you to achieve a chic deep color.
  • Thirdly, husk is an economical material.

About how to surely get a rich bright brown shade of eggs, in a step-by-step master class with a photo. We have prepared a detailed and descriptive description of the simplest, cheapest and most natural method for creating dyes.

Photorecept of the traditional method of coloring

It is better to prepare onion peel in advance. The more eggs to be painted, the more onions will be needed.

Experienced housewives claim: to dye 10 eggs, a liter can of onion peeling is required. Of course, dried and tamped. The more husks, the deeper and richer the color.

Onion variety also affects the shade: for example, red onions, for example, will give the shell an interesting purple tint. One of the advantages of this staining is that you can take both white and brown eggs. In this case, the final color, depending on the initial background, will differ, thereby creating an interesting variety.

So, the painting process is step by step:

  1. To prepare the broth, the onion peel should be placed in a deep pan - it is better from stainless steel, since the enamel will be painted, like the shell, and it will be very problematic to return the pan to its former appearance.
  2. Eggs and Onion Husk

  3. Next, you need to fill the husk with hot water. The volume depends on how many eggs you intend to paint. Given the fact that water has the property to boil away, it is better to pour it with a margin.
  4. Add boiling water to the onion peel

  5. Put the pot on the stove, bring to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes to an hour. The longer you cook, the richer the color of the broth. After this, the liquid should be filtered to avoid subsequent stains on the shell and to achieve uniform color. However, if this point is not fundamental, you can cook eggs directly with cleanings. In the broth, you can add a third of a glass of vinegar, which will fix the color.
  6. Preparation of onion peel decoction

  7. Prepare the eggs. It will be correct to warm them to room temperature, leaving after the refrigerator for half an hour on the table or immersing in water at room temperature. This will help to avoid breaking the shell. The fact is that they have to boil in boiling water and cracks can form due to a change in temperature. In water, you can add 2-3 teaspoons of salt, which will make the shell even harder.
  8. Egg before coloring in onion broth

  9. Dip the eggs in the cooled broth and cook for another 10-15 minutes. Of course, a long cooking process will provide a dark deep color of the shell, however, this can unpleasantly affect the taste of the product. The longer the protein is cooked, the denser and firmer it becomes, more and more resembling rubber.
  10. Coloring an egg with a decoction of onion peels

  11. It is better to cool the eggs right in the broth. Then remove, wash and wipe dry. For shine, you can rub the shell with a cotton pad dipped in vegetable oil. The rich red-brown color makes the eggs elegant and beautiful.
  12. Onion husk eggs

With a twist - ideas for creating patterns

The testicles, which will be painted with onion peel, can add tracery and patterns.For this, they should be prepared before cooking.

Easter egg floral pattern

Floral pattern

Any leaflets, twigs or flowers with which nature is so generous in spring can be used as a stencil. Greens bought in a nearby store are also suitable - parsley, dill, rosemary or mint. Dried plants should be held for several minutes over steam. The main thing is that the leaves delight with their variety, and then each egg will be unique.

For painting, you need a capron, and it is most convenient to use old nylon tights. They can fix the leaves on the eggs. To do this, after wetting the stencil in water, attach it to the egg and wrap it tightly with a piece of capron. Secure with thread. So the picture will be clear and without flaws. After cooking, in place of leaflets on the shell, unpainted drawings will remain. In this way, it is better to paint white eggs.

Speckled Eggs

A clean egg should be moistened with water and roll in rice or millet. Next, you should carefully lower such an egg into a nylon bag (from old tights or socks) and also cook in the broth for 10 minutes.

Eggs stained with onion husks using thread and rice

We paint with bow and thread

Using threads or stationery gum, you can achieve a geometric ornament on the shell. To do this, before immersing in the onion broth, you should wind a thick thread or gum on the eggs in different directions - in a spiral, parallel or perpendicular. However, it should be remembered that too tight winding can damage the egg - and it will crack. Be careful!

Marble eggs with onion peel

An original way to paint eggs is to create so-called marble stains. To do this, before cooking, moisten the eggs and roll them in dry, finely chopped onion husks. Such blanks need to be wrapped in capron or gauze and fixed with a thread or rubber band. When boiling in an onion solution, you can add a bottle of brilliant green. This will give the puppies a fancy color.

Openwork and lace

It is necessary to pre-wrap the eggs with lace flaps or ribbons in one layer and lower them into the broth. You can remove the lace only after the egg has cooled down. This method will give the puppies a delicate and delicate ornament.

Pattern on an egg from electrical tape

Insulating tape patterns - simple geometry

Various patterns should be cut from insulating tape or thin tape and glued to the shell. Wrap each egg with capron or gauze and secure with threads. This way you get interesting geometric patterns.

To stock up on the right amount of onion peel, experienced housewives are advised to start collecting “clothes” from the vegetable immediately after Shrovetide.

Coloring eggs with onions is not only a safe, but also an exciting process, so you can safely attract children. During a fun game, they will get acquainted with the traditions of the celebration of Easter and will find warm childhood memories.

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