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How and from which is it best to make soap bubbles at home?

Childhood is unthinkable without sweets, soda, ice cream, a carousel and, of course, soap bubbles. A little man is fascinated watching how a small miracle breaks off and flies from the end of a tube or a wire ring, sparkling in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow. How to make soap bubbles at home to please children, have fun with them?

soap bubble

History of soap bubble

A soap bubble is a thin but multi-layer film filled with air like a balloon.

The history of rainbow bubbles dates back to the appearance of soap - it gave the name fun. It is said that during the excavations of Pompeii, murals with the image of soap balls were found. There is mention of an Etruscan vase stored in the Louvre with a similar image on it. On ancient Chinese papyrus found drawings of this fun. Sets for soap bubbles in Japan began to be sold at the end of the 17th century.

In the 19th century, children played with soapy water and foam after washing. There were many small bubbles, and large specimens were also able to be blown out through the tube. At the very end of the 19th century, a special composition for blowing soap bubbles was first released and sold in Great Britain. His advertisement was the picture of Millais "Bubbles" with a charming curly-haired baby on it.

Soap bubbles

Interesting fact
One of the most famous plot paintings by Jean Baptiste Chardin is called: Soap Bubbles. The young man managed to blow a large bubble through a thin tube, the second boy peeps enviously from under the elbow of an older friend or brother, burning down from the desire to see a miraculous bubble.

What to blow through

An important role in an exciting occupation is played by the instrument, that is, through which the bubble is blown. The size, shape and, importantly, the number of soap bubbles depend on it. In ancient times, clay pipes or hollow straws with a split end were used. Now on sale there are special pistols and plastic frames for blowing soap bubbles.

little girl blows up a soap bubble

Bubbles can be blown through anything:

  • cocktail tubes
  • the hollow part of a ballpoint pen,
  • tubular pasta
  • wire frames of various shapes and sizes,
  • cropped plastic bottle (blow in the neck).

Tip recommends: prepare both the solution and the tubes with your children. Let it also be part of the game and fun. It will be not only interesting for kids, but also useful to work as a “locksmith” and a “chemist”.

Basics of bubbling

Thanks to modern technology, compositions for soap bubbles at home can be varied indefinitely, experiment with components, add color using dyes. To prepare such a solution is, without exaggeration, combining science with art and entertainment.

The main elements in the solution are two:

  • water,
  • foaming agent.

Their optimal ratio is the main secret of rainbow fun.

Excellent bubble up:

  • laundry or liquid soap
  • shampoo,
  • dishwashing detergent.

Approximately 150 ml of foamy substance is added per 1 liter of water. After receiving the base solution, it needs to be checked, blow the bubble. If he quickly burst, you need more soap. If it does not blow out, but there are too many small bubbles at the edges of the frame or tubule, add water.

To play kids with soap bubbles, shampoo without tears can be used as a base so that bursting bubbles do not irritate the mucous membrane.

To strengthen and longevity the soap bubble, sugar, glycerin or sugar syrup is added to the solution.Then the solution should spend the night in the refrigerator before use.

preparing a mixture for a soap bubble 2

Secrets of the best homemade soap bubble recipes:

  1. Soft, warm, clear water, ideally distilled.
  2. Toilet soap for solution does not fit.
  3. In the detergent should be very few fragrances, flavors.
  4. Store the resulting solution in a closed container.

In one of the chemical laboratories, 6 compounding recipes were tested - scientists were looking for ideal proportions. The best ratio was recognized: water and detergent - 10: 1, detergent and glycerin - 2: 1. Such a bubble lasted as long as 25 seconds and turned out to be impressive in size. Another proven recipe: water with detergent - 3: 1, detergent with glycerin - 1: 1.

The best recipes


Grate a piece of 50 g of household soap on a regular grater, pour into a container, pour 0.5 l of hot clean water (not boiling water), mix thoroughly until the soap is completely dissolved. Add 2 tbsp. glycerin purchased at a pharmacy.

child's hand in a soap bubble

For babies

Mix in a convenient bowl 100 ml of baby shampoo “without tears” with a glass of warm melt or distilled water. Insist a day. Add 1.5 tbsp. sugar, stir well.

From dish detergent

The easiest, most convenient recipe. Detergent for dishes, preferably with glycerin, in an amount of 100 ml, stir with two glasses of clean water, add 1 tablespoon of sugar.

preparing a mixture for a soap bubble

From liquid soap or bath foam

For one part of boiled water, 3 parts of liquid soap or bath foam are taken. To foam settled, before use, the solution must be kept in the refrigerator.

From washing powder

If there is nothing else as a soap component, you can make a solution of washing powder. But caution is needed when blowing soap bubbles: powder and its solutions can provoke allergies and skin irritation. Take about 25 g of powder, a glass of hot water, 100 g of glycerin, a few drops of ammonia. Such a solution should stand for 48 hours, after straining, you can use it.

For huge soap bubbles

0.6 l of warm water, an incomplete glass of dishwashing detergent, 100 g of glycerin, a glass of sugar are poured into a large basin. After mixing, it is necessary that the composition is infused. After a few hours, you can inflate or stretch with the frame, for example, gymnastic hoop, huge, long bubbles.

giant soap bubble

For the most durable bubbles, for experiments

Cook strong sugar syrup (5: 1 - sugar to water ratio). Take 8 parts of distillate 1 part syrup, 4 parts glycerol, 2 parts soap, chopped or grated. Blowing such bubbles is more difficult than usual, but they also hold for a long time without bursting.

Interesting soap bubble experiments

How many amazingly beautiful, fascinating and informative physical experiments can be done with soap bubbles! Some of them are described by Perelman in his "Entertaining Physics." Their implementation requires a high-quality soap solution. You can check it by blowing a bubble and trying to pierce it. If it bursts, we continue to improve the solution by adding soap and glycerin to the optimum amount.

Each such experiment is a bewitching sight. Inside the soap bubble are placed figurines, flowers, various objects, a person or a group of people. It can be lowered onto a flower so that it is inside, filled with colorful smoke. Inside the big soap bubble, several small ones are placed. They draw, build entire walls, juggle.

canned soap bubble

One of these amazing experiences dispelled the myth that the ball of soap film is short-lived. The experience was its "conservation". The American teacher was able to keep the soap bubble in a glass jar for 340 days.

Physics, Chemistry and Soap Bubbles

In Perelman's Entertaining Physics, an entire chapter is devoted to soap bubbles. And Charles Boyce, a British physicist, published a book with that title.These scientists easily proved that fun children's fun allows you to study in practice several serious physical laws. For example, the surface tension of a liquid, the laws of cohesion of particles, the refraction of light rays. If a soap bubble has flown from a warm to a cold room, it shrinks, and if from a cold to a warm one, it increases in size. This phenomenon is a demonstration of the physical law of the expansion and contraction of bodies under the influence of temperatures.

Physicists believe that by simply observing the behavior of the soap bubble, serious discoveries can be made in various fields. Chemists consider it their work, they also experiment on it. Solutions, including colloidal, are an area of ​​study of chemical science. Here you have children's entertainment!

preparing a mixture for a soap bubble

Records for blowing the longest or largest soap bubbles have long been set in the world. There are known cases of blowing a bubble 4 m long, and in New Zealand, although it is hard to believe, a 32 m bubble was elongated! By the way, from 1 ml of solution you can get a soap bubble of 6-meter diameter.

Scientists are seriously studying soap bubbles. Recently they were able to freeze, and then return to their original form. A soap bubble freezes if it is placed very carefully on snow.

Soap bubbles are amazing. A solution for them is not at all difficult to make at home, from which it is now known and understandable. They are at the same time entertainment, pleasure, a vivid sight and an object of close attention of science. They can not help but love, they surprise and delight children and adults.

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