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External and internal cleaning of the TV remote control: all the rules

The dirty and sticky buttons on the remote control inspire you to watch your favorite TV shows. To clean the remote control from the TV, it is not necessary to open it. But at least once a year, disassembly will not hurt. How to clean carefully to remove all micro-contaminants and not damage the device?

TV remote

Why is it important to clean the remote

A large amount of sebum, dirt accumulates on our hands, and all this inevitably settles on objects that we touch. In the case of the remote control, it is still more complicated: grease and dust fall into the spaces between the buttons and on the board. Contamination will cause the buttons to stick and oxidize the contacts: batteries may leak.

A television remote control that is not being watched fails. Cleaning the auxiliary device is important not only for comfortable use, but also for its safety.

remote control cleaning

How to clean outside

External cleaning can often be carried out, as this does not require time and effort. Do not forget to wipe this device while wiping furniture and appliances. Walk on it with a damp cloth or prepare an alcohol solution and a dry microfiber cloth. Do not wet the remote control, but simply wipe it.

Important magazine draws attention to the fact that washing the remote control under running water is prohibited. This will cause a breakdown.

remote control cleaning

If the button sticks, something extraneous could get into it: a crumb from food or a large mote. How to clean the gaps between the buttons from dirt and grease:

  1. Take a cotton swab, soak it in a washing solution or alcohol and wipe all the buttons.
  2. Use a toothpick.

You will be surprised how much dirt is hidden between the buttons. Try to clean them, and this procedure will be included in the list of obligatory during each cleaning.

Instead of water, it is more convenient to take alcohol or alcohol wipes: the substance instantly evaporates, and nothing threatens electronics.

Another tool to quickly clean the gaps between the buttons is a slime. This is a special sticky material that penetrates into small cracks and collects all the garbage. Typically, a lizun is used to clean a laptop keyboard.

remote control by lizun

Try using compressed air cylinders. Such funds are sold in household appliances stores. When you press the balloon, the air exits sharply, cleaning the space between the buttons from dust.

We disassemble the remote control and clean it from the inside

If the problem is more serious, namely: the buttons do not respond, replacing the batteries does not help, then you will have to disassemble the remote control and clean it inside. Most often, contacts that are oxidized due to dust and dirt are to blame.

How to disassemble the remote control from TV:

  1. Remove the panel that covers the battery compartment.
  2. Remove the batteries and inspect the remote: there should be small screws.
  3. Unscrew them with a suitable screwdriver.
  4. If the remote control rests on latches, then disconnect the front and rear panels with a thin object, for example, a plastic card - characteristic clicks will be heard.
  5. Lastly, remove the buttons from the board. It’s better to prepare a sheet of paper and sign where which part was, so that you don’t get confused during the assembly process, or take a photo.

disassembled TV remote

You cannot clean the circuit board with water; it will deteriorate. Use an alcohol solution. There are specialized alcohol sprays on sale for cleaning contacts, look for them in stores with electrical goods. Ordinary alcohol / vodka will do.

How to act:

  1. Moisten a cloth or cotton pad with alcohol.
  2. Wipe the board and let it dry.
  3. The removed buttons can be washed in soapy water. If heavily soiled, soak the parts so that all the fat dissolves.
  4. If the dirt is dry, use a soft toothbrush.
  5. Before assembly, make sure all parts are dry.

It remains to assemble a clean television remote control in the reverse order: put the buttons on the board, assemble the parts, tighten the screws and insert the batteries. If a thorough cleaning did not help and the device does not work, you will have to take it to a specialist in repairing equipment.

Some tips

Frequent washing of the remote control from the inside is not recommended - it is too easy to accidentally damage any important element. Avoid regular outdoor cleanings. It is enough to do this once a week, but determine the exact interval yourself, depending on the frequency of use of the TV.

cleaning the remote inside

For fans, every night to play the “Nutcracker” on sale there are special protective covers made of polyurethane. They are transparent and protect the console both from dirt and from accidentally spilled water. Do not forget to wash the cover! An alternative is to wrap the remote control in a plastic bag.

The obvious advice is to wash your soiled hands with soap before touching the remote control (as well as other hard-to-clean items, such as a laptop keyboard). During cooking, breakfast with condensed milk or jam, snacking on a sandwich - pat your fingers with at least a dry cloth before pressing the buttons.

Keep the remote control where dust will settle on it less. Never leave it on the dining table or on the writing table when mascara, paints, plasticine, etc. are laid out on it.

Watch out even for such trifles as the TV remote control, and then you will not have to face sudden problems.

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