What to do if the sneakers are too small, how to carefully stretch the shoes?

After buying new sneakers while wearing them, many begin to realize that they did not choose the exact size pair. As a result, the question arises: how to stretch sneakers? The easiest solution is to return them to the store and choose a new pair. But there are situations when you can’t get the shoes back or just don’t want to.

Shoe Repair Kiosk

Should I contact the master?

An easy way to stretch your shoes is to take them to a shoe workshop. To do this, the master first processes the material with a special composition, and then inserts a special shape into the sneakers that will help stretch the products. After the workshop, the shoes will be precisely sized. With this method, all the negative effects of stretching are eliminated.

You can also increase the size yourself. To do this, you need to consider several methods of stretching at home and take into account the features of the material from which the shoes are made. But this should be done carefully, as if you act incorrectly, you can spoil the appearance. Before you stretch your sneakers, you need to learn about the features of changing the shape of products from different materials.

Leather sneakers

Methods of stretching depending on the material

Before starting the stretching process, you should find out what material the shoes are made of. After that, one of the following methods is selected.

  • Genuine Leather.

For stretching at home, it is enough to wear leather products at home for several days. To improve the effect, this should be done in wet wool socks. Two days are enough before the final stretch. In this case, before wearing it is worth spraying on the inner surface of the shoe a special tool for stretching the skin.

  • Suede leather.

How to carry suede sneakers? Ice can be used to stretch this material. This method is based on the fact that during solidification, water expands, stretching the material. First you need to find a sealed bag, and then pour water into it and place in shoes. After this, you must leave it in the freezer for a day. Then you can get a suede product and ice. But you need to remove the package only after the contents have melted.

  • Textile.

To change the size of a fabric product, you need to boil water and pour shoes on it. Immediately after this, you need to wear it and wear it until it dries. If it is not stretched enough, it is worth repeating the procedure. You can also use newspapers or rags that are soaked tightly packed in sneakers. They should be taken out after complete drying.

  • Leatherette.

If you squeeze sneakers from this material, then you should prepare for prolonged wear at home. Faux leather is difficult to stretch. But you can try the following method: soak socks in an alcohol-containing substance (for example, cologne) and, putting them on, wear sneakers for about half an hour. Such actions need to be repeated about 10 times. After that, leatherette will begin to stretch. To avoid odor remaining on the material, wash and ventilate the product.


When stretching leather products at home, lubricate them with special compounds for such a material. If this is not done, the skin will begin to dry out and become stiff and brittle.

Shoe stretcher

Mechanical stretching

There is a special device for stretching shoes, which consists of several wooden elements and a metal pin with thread.The wooden parts are made in the form of the boot's inner space and are fixed on the pin so that when it rotates, they move apart to the sides. This device helps to stretch the width of the sneakers more comfortably, without putting on wet socks and pain in the legs.

Before you carry sneakers at home, you need to understand that stretching does not occur in length, so you won’t be able to increase the size of your shoes.

In order not to spoil the sneakers, it is best to try to walk in them for several days. After that, shoes can become more comfortable even without the use of radical methods that can spoil the shape of the product and material. One of the most effective ways is to wear thick socks.

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